The fashion of brunch that became a habit
The fashion of brunch that became a habit

The fashion of brunch that became a habit

The fashion of brunch that became a habit

Brunch, that successful combination between breaκfast and lunch, has managed to win the hearts and stomachs of people all over the world.

What started as a tradition in a few regions has now become an international trend that has no intention of disappearing.

The history of brunch goes back to the late 19th century in England, when students at Oxford University discovered the idea of combining breakfast with lunch, allowing them to sleep in longer on Sundays. From there, the concept of brunch spread to America and the rest of the world, establishing itself as a popular tradition. 

Brunch offers many advantages that make it a favorite of many. While breakfast is known for the classic eggs, bacon and breads, and lunch for the heavier and heartier meals, brunch offers a unique opportunity to combine the flavors and elements of both. From loose eggs to fresh fruit and sandwiches, the brunch menu is extensive and varied, catering for everyone's tastes. In addition, brunch offers the opportunity to socialize and enjoy with friends and family. 

It is often an opportunity to gather with loved ones and enjoy slow and relaxed food and conversation. The brunch atmosphere is warm and friendly, making it ideal for relaxing and rejuvenating at the weekend.

As the brunch "trend" continues to expand, people are discovering more and more reasons to love it. From the exquisite flavors to the social aspect it offers, brunch has become much more than just a meal, it has become a habit.